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   The environmental tracers and isotopes present in the ground-water sample were derived from an atmosphere in the past. Sample collection and analytical methods had to minimize, if not eliminate, contact of the sample water with today's atmosphere. The sampling and analytical methods for the five techniques used to determine the age of ground water are briefly described below.


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 Environmental tracer/



Chlorofluorocarbon Sample CollectionSamples are flame-sealed into borosilicate-glass ampules using a special apparatus that excludes contact with air.

Purge-and-trap gas chromatography procedure with electron capture detector

Tritium Sample CollectionSamples are collected in 500-mL glass bottles with polycone seals.

Enriched electrolytically and analyzed by liquid scintillation counting

Helium-3 Sample CollectionTritium: Samples are collected in 500-mL glass bottles with polycone seals.

Helium-3: Samples are collected in special copper tubes fitted with stainless steel pinch-off clamps. The discharge end of the tubes are fitted with an overpressure valve to prevent gas bubble formation in the ground-water sample

Tritium: Mass spectrometrically by the helium ingrowth method

Helium-3: Mass spectrometry
Sulfur Hexafluoride

Sulfur Hexafluoride Sample CollectionSamples are collected by filling 2.5-L plastic coated glass bottles from the bottom. The bottles are sealed with screw caps with conical liners.  No headspace is allowed in the bottles.

Purge-and-trap gas chromatography procedure

Carbon-14 Sample CollectionSamples are collected in coated-glass bottles fitted with teflon septum. Sample water is filtered to eliminate contamination from particulates containing carbonate minerals. Contact with the atmosphere is minimized by establishing a closed path from the water source. Actual sample volume is dependent upon the pH and alkalinity of the water.

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)


Last Updated on 2/4/2002
By David L. Nelms
Link to FirstGov

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U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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URL http://va.water.usgs.gov/va123/2meth.html
Last update: 09/15/04 12:49