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Frederick County Carbonate Aquifer Appraisal



Doctor, D.H., Weary, D.J., Orndorff, R.C., Harlow, G.E., Jr., Kozar, M.D., and Nelms, D.L., 2008, Bedrock structural controls on the occurrence of sinkholes and springs in the northern Great Valley karst, Virginia and West Virginia: in Yuhr, L.B., Alexander, E.C., Jr., and Beck, B.F., (eds.), Geotechnical Special Publication No. 183, Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, Proceedings of the Eleventh Multidisciplinary Conference, Tallahassee, Florida, September 22-26, 2008, p. 12-22.

Harlow, G.E., Jr., 2001, Appraisal of the Northern Shenandoah Valley Carbonate Aquifer System, Frederick County, Virginia [PDF file 3.2 MB], Source Water Protection in Karst: Delineation, Policy, and Management Workshop, Lord Fairfax Community College, Middletown, Va. (Note: this poster is 42" x 62" and is not printable on a standard letter-sized printer; it can be viewed in ADOBE Acrobat). 

Harlow, G.E., Jr., Nelms, D.L., Yager, R.M., Kozar, M.D., Sanford, W.E., and Moberg, R.M., 2008, Estimating recharge to heterogeneous fractured-rock and karst aquifer systems in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and West Virginia, [abs.] in Kuniansky, E.L., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Bowling Green, Kentucky, May 27-29, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5023, p. 50. [PDF file-79 KB].

Harlow, G.E., Jr., Nelms, D.L., Yager, R.M., Kozar, M.D., Sanford, W.E., and Moberg, R.M., 2008, Estimating recharge to heterogeneous fractured-rock and karst aquifer systems in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and West Virginia, [PDF file 3.2 MB], U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Workshop, May 27-29, 2008, Bowling Green, Kentucky. (Note: this poster is 36" x 62" and is not printable on a standard letter-sized printer; it can be viewed in ADOBE Acrobat).

Harlow, G.E., Jr., Orndorff, R.C., Nelms, D.L., Weary, D.J., and Moberg, R.M., 2005, Hydrogeology and ground-water availability in the carbonate aquifer system of Frederick County, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5161, 30 p.

Orndorff, R.C., Epstein, J.B., and McDowell, R.C., 1999, Geologic map of the Middletown quadrangle, Frederick, Shenandoah, Warren Counties, Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1803, scale 1:24000.

Orndorff R.C., Epstein J.B., Weary D.J., and Harlow G.E., 2001, Geologic aspects of karst in the Appalachians [abs.]: Appalachian Region Workshop, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 2001.

Orndorff, Randall C. and Harlow, George E., Jr., 2002, FIELD TRIP GUIDE, Hydrogeologic framework of the Northern Shenandoah Valley carbonate aquifer system, in Kuniansky, Eve L., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, August 20-22, 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4174, pp. 81-89. [PDF file-667 KB]

Orndorff, R.C., Weary, D.J., and Parker, R.A., 2003, Geologic map of the Winchester quadrangle, Frederick County , Virginia : U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-461, CD-ROM.

Weary, David J., Doctor, Daniel H., Orndorff, Randall C., and Harlow, George E., Jr., 2007, Structural Control of Spring Locations in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and West Virginia: Interpretation of Geologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow Paths in Folded and Faulted Carbonate Rocks [abs.]: 2007 Southeastern Section-56th Annual Meeting (29-30 March 2007), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 2, p. 99.

Weary, David J., Doctor, Daniel H., Orndorff, Randall C., and Harlow, George E., Jr., 2007, Structural Control of Spring Locations in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and West Virginia: Interpretation of Geologic Controls on Ground-Water Flow Paths in Folded and Faulted Carbonate Rocks [PDF file ], Geologic Maps, Digital Geologic Maps, and Derivatives from Geologic Maps (Posters), 2007 Southeastern Section-56th Annual Meeting (29-30 March 2007), Geological Society of America. (Note: this poster is composed of two pages, Page 1 is 42" x 52" [PDF file 23.8 MB], Page 2 is 42" x 48" [PDF file 33.9MB], and is not printable on a standard letter-sized printer; it can be viewed in ADOBE Acrobat).

Weary, David J., Harlow, George E., Jr., Orndorff, Randall C., and Aleman-Gonzalez, Wilma, 2004, Interdisciplinary Cooperative Geologic Mapping and Ground-Water Resource Analysis of Frederick County, Virginia by the U.S. Geological Survey [abs.]: 2004 Denver Annual Meeting (November 7-10, 2004), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p. 578.

Weary, David J., Harlow, George E., Jr., Orndorff, Randall C., and Aleman-Gonzalez, Wilma, 2004, Interdisciplinary Cooperative Geologic Mapping and Ground-Water Resource Analysis of Frederick County, Virginia by the U.S. Geological Survey [PDF file 44.7 MB], Geological Mapping: Providing for Successful Water and Land Resource Planning (Posters), 2004 Denver Annual Meeting (November 7-10, 2004), Geological Society of America. (Note: this poster is 42" x 72" and is not printable on a standard letter-sized printer; it can be viewed in ADOBE Acrobat).

Weary, D.J., Orndorff, R.C., and Aleman-Gonzalez, W., 2006, Geologic map of the Stephens City  quadrangle, Clarke, Frederick, and Warren Counties, Virginia : U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1173, scale 1:24,000.

Yager, R.M., Southworth, Scott, and Voss, C.I., 2008, Simulation of ground-water flow in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia and West Virginia, using variable-direction anisotropy in hydraulic conductivity to represent bedrock structure: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5002, 55 p.


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March 27, 2009 11:18