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USGS Virginia Water Science Center


Developed by the U.S. Geological Survey for the
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Derived from:

1Nelms, D.L., Harlow, G.E., Jr., and Hayes, D.C., 1997, Base-flow characteristics of streams in the Valley and Ridge, the Blue Ridge, and the Piedmont Physiographic Provinces of Virginia:U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2457, 48 p., 1 pl.

2Hayes, D.C., 1989, Low-flow characteristics of streams in Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply  Paper 2374, 69 p.

3Richardson, D.L., 1994, Ground-water discharge from the Coastal Plain of Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4191, 15 p.

Sorted by City/County: Blue dot Click here for a tab-delimited download of data

[Latitude and longitude are reported in degrees, minutes, and seconds; PR, partial-record gaging station; CR, continuous-record gaging station; mi2, square mile; ft3/s, cubic foot per second; in/yr, inch per year; Q50, Q90, and Q95, indicate the 50-, 90-, and 95-percent discharge on the streamflow-duration curve, respectively; 7Q2 and 7Q10, indicate the annual minimum average 7-consecutive-day low-flow discharge having 2-year and 10-year recurrence intervals, respectively; nd indicates value was not determined]

Explanation of map symbols

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