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USGS Virginia Water Science Center

Virginia Water Monitoring Day 2006


Virginia water monitoring council

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality


Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation

Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Virginai Department of Health


Virginia Soil & Water Conservation

Virginia Commonwealth University

Chesterfield County

Friends of Chesterfield's Riverfront


Adopt a stream DCR

Big Sandy Basin
Big Sandy basin


Note: The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reports these data, which were collected by various groups for World Water Monitoring Day 2006 in Virginia. The Water Environment Federation (WEF), in coordinating World Water Monitoring Day, receives the data from those who collected it. After processing the data, WEF provides the data to the USGS for posting on this web page. When such water-quality data are collected, reported, and processed, errors can be introduced such that reported values do not represent the quality of the water at the time the water was collected. Because the data reported for World Water Monitoring Day 2006 in Virginia are not collected by the USGS, the data have not been verified or evaluated by USGS quality assurance procedures. Thus, individual users are responsible for determining if any reported values might be incorrect. A brief discussion provides general guidelines to assist users who might not be fully knowledgeable of water quality in this determination.









Turbidity Index


Sampling Agency



Springs Fork









BLC000.85 09/25/2006 Bull Creek Probe 10.1 8.1 16.3 5.35 NTU 05070202 DEQ
CNW000.23 09/26/2006 Conaway Creek Probe 9.7 8.1 17.1 4.25 NTU 05070202 DEQ
DIS001.24 09/26/2006 Dismal Ck Probe 10.2 8.4 16 2.3 NTU 05070202 DEQ
GAR000.16 09/26/2006 Garden Ck Probe 11.2 8.6 15.8 2.24 NTU 05070202 DEQ
GAR005.25 09/26/2006 Garden Ck Probe 10 8.3 14.3 1.47 NTU 05070202 DEQ
GRF000.11 09/25/2006 Garden Ck R Fk Probe 11.3 8.2 14.6 2.27 NTU 05070202 DEQ
GRF000.56 09/25/2006 Garden Ck R Fk Probe 10 8.1 14.7 3.24 NTU 05070202 DEQ
GRF004.97 09/25/2006 Garden Ck R Fk Probe 10.6 8.1 14.2 2.19 NTU 05070202 DEQ
HME000.42 09/25/2006 Home Ck Probe 10.1 8.2 17.3 5.13 NTU 05070202 DEQ
LEV131.52 09/25/2006 Levisa Fork Probe 10.2 8.2 17.8 21.7 NTU 05070202 DEQ
LOC000.03 09/25/2006 Looney Ck Probe 9.7 7.9 16.4 1.57 NTU 05070202 DEQ
PLR000.06 09/25/2006 Poplar Ck Probe 9.8 8 16.5 2.34 NTU 05070202 DEQ
PNK000.08 09/18/2006 N F Pound R Probe 7.9 7.4 21.9 0.73 NTU 05070202 DEQ
PNK000.38 09/18/2006 S F Pound R Probe 9.4 8.1 17.2 1.04 NTU 05070202 DEQ
SAT000.26 09/25/2006 Slate Ck Probe 10.4 8.2 16.7 4.3 NTU 05070202 DEQ




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