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Purpose: To identify the significant water availability issues at the State, Local, and Regional scale, discuss potential technical approaches to these issues, review technical requirements, and share information.
Audience:  State and regional water-supply-regulation officials and technical staff from Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey; USGS District scientists and managers, and USGS National Program staff. (Attendee list)
 Agenda--Day 1 
NOTE: All presentations have been converted from POWERPOINT to PDF and are viewable in the downloadable Adobe Reader..
12:30 Welcome by John Talley, Director of Delaware Geological Survey
12:45 Welcome and Address by Keynote Speaker 
Bob Hirsch, Associate Director for Water Programs, USGS
Science and Water Availability (PDF 2.1 MB)
1:15 Overview of State Water Supply Planning Issues and Initiatives 
(~10 min presentations by key State Water Regulators)
  • Dr Jerry Kaufman, University of Delaware presentation (PDF 4.3 MB)
  • Matthew Pajerowski, Maryland Department of the Environment
  • Fred Sickels, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection-New Jersey Geological Survey
  • Bill Gast, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • Michael Stratton, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection presentation (PDF 121 KB)
  • Terry Wagner, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
2:45 Break


3:00-3:30  Water Availability Screening Tool (PDF 1.2 MB)
Marla Stuckey 
Ground Water availability assessment
(PDF 0.5 MB)
Ron Sloto, USGS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
3:30-3:50  Pennsylvania Screening Tool Overview (PDF 25 KB)
Bill Gast, (PaDEP)

Delaware River Basin (PDF 1.9 MB)
Anthony Bonasera, (DRBC)


3:50-4:10  Coastal Plain ground-water flow models to assess impact of future pumpage, NJ 
(PDF 9.6 MB) Alison Gordon, USGS, West Trenton, New Jersey
4:10-4:30  Using flow model information in a regulatory context, NJ (PDF 754 KB)
Eric Roman, NJGS, Trenton, New Jersey
4:30-6:30  Adjourn/Poster Session (15-20 posters from USGS District Offices)
 Agenda--Day 2
9:00  Welcome and orientation for Day 2
9:10  Technical Presentations (continued)


9:10-9:30  Data collection and analysis to determine minimum in-stream flow needs (PDF 2.7 MB)
Jennifer Krstolic, USGS Richmond, Virginia
9:30-9:50  Use of minimum in-stream flow information for regulatory purposes (PDF 152 KB)
Alison Teetor, Clarke County Planning Department, Berryville, Virginia.


9:50-10:10 Stream hydrograph techniques for estimating ground-water recharge (PDF 1.4 MB)
Dennis Risser, USGS, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
10:10-10:30 Development of web-based access to state-wide low-flow statistics (PDF 6.2 MB)
Kernell Ries, USGS, Baltimore, Maryland
10:30 Break
11:00 Technical Presentations continue


11:00-11:20 Water use estimation techniques (PDF 692KB)
 and Estimating irrigation withdrawals  (PDF 49 KB)
Susan Hutson, USGS, Memphis, Tennennee


11:20-11:40 Optimization in ground-water modeling (PDF 1 MB)
Daryll Pope, USGS, Trenton, NJ 
11:40-12:00 Coupled ground water-surface water modeling (PDF 4 MB)
George Leavesley, USGS Lakewood, CO
12:00-1:00  Keynote speaker (during lunch)
Water Supply Planning (PDF 214 KB)
Dr. William Cox, Virginia Tech. 
1:00-2:00  Wrap up: Open discussion of water availability issues
2:00  Adjourn
Note: PDF Reader available at

USGS--Water Resources of Virginia                                                

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